Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Sir John Major' attack on MCC leadership: letter in full

The full text of Sir John Major’s letter to MCC President Phillip Hodson, sent last week after Hodson had written to all club members attempting to explain the reason for Major’s resignation from the main committee last December.

Pretty picture? Sir John Major has gone in to bat against genteel organisation Photo: PAUL GROVER
I have read your letter of 13 February, addressed to the Full and Senior Members of the MCC. Whilst I am grateful for your kind words about my contribution to the Club, I fear that your letter totally misrepresents the reason for my resignation from the Main Committee. You wrote:
“… the Committee agreed that the preservation of Lord’s as a cricket ground was more important than a windfall of cash. Of equal importance was the Committee’s belief that the Members would not be inclined to accept such a scheme. This stance led to the resignation from the Committee of Sir John Major…”
This – emphatically – is not true. If I may, I will repeat (some of) the points I made in my resignation letter, dated 9 December, 2011.
I did not resign over the decision to abandon the “Vision for Lord’s”, even though I do believe it is a serious mistake the Club may come to regret. I resigned due to the manner in which the decision was reached.
During the last four years we have spent a huge amount of time, money, energy – and cost – discussing “the Vision for Lord’s”, which was endorsed by the Main Committee on many occasions – often overwhelmingly, but sometimes with a minority of very committed opponents.
I sat on the Development Committee for the Vision, until the Main Committee was informed that our work was done and it was disbanded. Since our work was not done, the decision came as a surprise to me and other Members of the Development Committee. However, in the interests of harmony, I accepted this peremptory dismissal.
When a new Committee: the “Masterplan Working Party” was subsequently set up. I was reassured when Sir Michael Jenkins – who Chaired the Working Party which had developed the original Vision for Lord’s – was included as a Member. Yet this Committee was disbanded without ever meeting.
A “Ground Working Party” was then formed to carry matters forward. The composition of its membership was entirely biased against the plans in the vision. As the Chairman of the Working Party conceded to me in Committee, this “Working Party” contained only opponents of the scheme: not one single Member had ever expressed any support for the comprehensive development of Lord’s.
Nevertheless, I was hopeful that they would take and open-minded look at the wider opportunities offered but – as I ascertained in Committee – they failed to evebn discuss any outcome other than a piecemeal redevelopment over many years, funded from our own resources.
Moreover, the argument put forward in the Working Party Report was tendentious. We were told we might not get Planning Consent; that the additional seats could not be filled; that the Members of the Club were moving against a residential scheme at the Nursery End (whereas in the past we had been advised precisely the opposite). It seemed as though this Report had been drafted in such a way as to justify a pre-determined outcome. As a result, the Working Party Report unceremoniously ditched many years of work on the Vision for Lord’s.
I concede, of course, that the Committee has every right to change its mind – even as comprehensively as it has done. But this episode has been damaging – to the MCC purse, and our reputation. This is not the way our Club should be run.
The converse is, I believe, that we have missed an opportunity to raise an absolute minimum pf £50m for the Club, which would have greatly strengthened our financial resources; enabled us to improve facilities for Members and hold (or even reduce) their annual fees in what is a very difficult economic climate; and make, if we wished, a larger contribution than at present to the wider world of cricket.
I do not argue for the maximum Vision, since the economic times have changed, and we have to take account of this: that is why I agreed that removing the Undercroft from the scheme was sensible. But I do believe a plan could – and should – have been approved that would not have damaged the ambience of the ground.
I agree with those Members who argue that we are first and foremost a Cricket Club. But this argues for a sensitive development of Lord’s, not for the lengthy, fragmented approach that now seems to be in operation.
When I resigned from the committee I did so after much deliberation, and with great reluctance. At that time, the Chairman asked me not to make any public comment. In the interests of the MCC I agreed, and have remained true to my word.
However, although I have kept my counsel, others have not. I have found the reason for my resignation repeatedly misrepresented in the media, and now in your letters to Members. It gives the impression that I did believe cash was more important than the preservation of Lord’s whereas this is not, and never has been, my view. Unsurprisingly, such an impression has generated a reaction from people who have been misled. At the time of my resignation, I told the Chairman – orally and in writing – this, if my position was traduced, I would not hesitate to correct the record.
It is for that reason that I am copying this letter to all Members of the Main committee, and would ask that you copy it to all Full and Senior Members. That way, there can be no further doubt about the reason behind my resignation, nor my personal and lasting commitment to the MCC, the wider world of cricket, and the upholding of the spirit of the game.
I would be grateful for your early confirmation that this will be done.
Yours sincerely,
John Major

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