Saturday, 21 January 2012

Simon Cowell Plans Virgin Galactic Space Trip For Winners

How would you fancy performing in Space? Top music mogul Simon Cowell has come up with the idea of his next winning contestant to perform their song in Space. It may sound rather far fetched but he has been thinking of a way how to get the next winner of his show Britain's Got Talent to enter space.
This new idea would be made possible by Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin who is a highly successful business man and one of the richest people in the UK. Although many may think the winner would have to enter space in a rocket. Branson and his company have just developed their latest project the Virgin Galactic, This makes it possible to go beyond the earths atmosphere and enter space.
 The aircraft which can travel at 2500 MPH gives the same weightless feeling as a rocket would when it leaves the earths gravity.
The Virgin Galactic
Simon thinks that combining a Virgin Galactic space trip into his highly popular show would be an amazing prize. Not only would it be an great experience but it would mean that the winner would be the first person to ever perform in Space.
 Although this idea sounds rather far fetched its quite within reach, as the first flights to space are set to be available as early as 2013. This could easily fit in with the Britain's Got Talent show.
 In a UK TV interview Simon Said: 'We are trying to work out a way so that the winner of the show gets to go up in the spacecraft and will be the first person to perform in space'
 He then went on to say that he was deadly serious and he would like travel on the aircraft too.
 Not only would this be great for the winner of the show, it would also be an excellent publicity for both the TV show and Virgin. No doubt Richard Branson would be keen to arrange something

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